Performances, Interviews, and Insights
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W.H. Auden: "As I Walked Out One Evening" - read by Peter Halstead

W.H. Auden: "O Tell Me the Truth About Love" - read by Gray, Jefford, Oxenham, Dryden and Aldous

Dylan Thomas: "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" - read by Jensen Gray

John Donne: "The Sun Rising" - read by Catherine Dryden

Seamus Heaney: "Clearances" - read by Jensen Gray

Arthur O'Shaughnessy: "Ode" - read by Catherine Dryden

Peter Halstead: "Raking Leaves" - read by Sofia Oxenham

Archibald MacLeish: "The Rape of the Swan" - read by Jensen Gray

Peter Halstead: "Blue" - read by Liam Jefford

William Butler Yeats: "The Fisherman" - read by Joseph Aldous

Edna St. Vincent Millay: "Only until this cigarette is ended..." - read by Jensen Gray

William Butler Yeats: "Song of the Wandering Aengus" - read by Catherine Dryden

Seamus Heaney: "Digging" - read by Sofia Oxenham

W.H. Auden: "Funeral Blues" - read by Liam Jefford

Peter Halstead: "Subject" - read by Jensen Gray

Seamus Heaney: "The Diviner" - read by Joseph Aldous

W.H. Auden: "As I Walked Out One Evening" - read by Catherine Dryden

Brian Blanchfield reads "Edge of Water, Moiese, Montana"

M. L. Smoker reads James Welch's "Harlem, Montana: Just Off the Reservation"

Peter Halstead reads "Pine Wind"

Sean Hill reads "Insurance Man 1946"

Keetje Kuipers reads "Justice, Come Down" by Minnie Bruce Pratt

CMarie Fuhrman reads "Beargrass"

Peter Halstead reads "Piano Maker"

Brian Blanchfield reads "Corral" by Carl Phillips

M. L. Smoker reads "Another Attempt at Rescue"

Sean Hill reads Rafael Campo's "Canción de las Mujeres: Some Uses for the Moon"

Keetje Kuipers reads "Still Life with Nursing Bra"

CMarie Fuhrman reads Linda Hogan's "The Sandhills"

Bach, Debussey, & Brahms; Poems by Tomlinson & Stevens - Richard Goode