Geo-Paleo Tours at Tippet Rise
July 9, 2018
Poised at the convergence of two vastly different regions, the Beartooth Mountains and the Great Plains, Tippet Rise is home to a unique combination of geologic wonders. Thanks to a partnership with the incredible Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association (YBRA) south of Red Lodge, Montana, we are once again offering Geo-Paleo Tours at Tippet Rise, allowing our guests to learn about and explore the various geological and paleontological features scattered across the art center’s vast acreage. These features offer clues to the geologic processes that formed this extraordinary region; they also offered inspiration to the artists who created site-specific sculptures nestled into canyons and perched atop hills at Tippet Rise.
2018’s Geo-Paleo Tours very quickly filled! We are so grateful for our community’s enthusiastic response to this program. Should seats on this season’s tours become available through cancellations, they will be made available on our Tours page (link below) on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The tours will be led by representatives of the YBRA, distinguished lecturers with many years of field research in the region’s paleontology (the fossil record stretches back for eons in Montana, from small marine life to enormous dinosaur bones and more recent mammals), structural geology (the distribution of rocks and how different strata lay on top of one another), and other topics. To read a story about 2017’s Geo-Paleo Tours, visit our Education page by clicking on “Culture” (above) and then “Education.” To see sculptures inspired by the extraordinary Montana landscape, click on “Art” (also above) and scroll down to “Ensamble Studio,” “Patrick Dougherty” and “Stephen Talasnik.”