A pianist muses on nature, composition, and community in the latest Tippet Rise podcast
January 3, 2020
For last month’s episode of the Tippet Rise podcast, Production Coordinator Zack Patten interviewed the French pianist and composer Julien Brocal, who was here at the art center for what was meant to be a three-week residency. January’s podcast is a continuation of that conversation. Julien, who was born in Arles but now lives in Paris, discusses the extraordinary power of the Montana landscape and its profound impact on his compositional process. We also hear the artist discuss his work with schoolchildren in the communities surrounding Tippet Rise. With interviews, too, of two beloved local residents—a music teacher and the owner of a nearby general store (and de facto community hub), January’s episode is now available online. To listen, click on “More info” below.
Photo of Julien at Tippet Rise by Billy Collins.