Bending Sticks: The Sculpture of Patrick Dougherty + Daydreams
Will's Shed @ 6:15 PM on Saturday, September 23, 2017

Bending Sticks: The Sculpture of Patrick Dougherty
Penelope Maunsell and Kenny Dalsheimer
Length: 57 min
Year: 2012
Country: USA
In a career spanning four continents and three decades, internationally acclaimed environmental artist Patrick Dougherty has created over two hundred majestic sculptures out of nothing more than saplings. This intimate portrait of the artist follows Dougherty and his collaborators during a year of stickwork revealing his creative process, his inspirations, and his thoughts about the temporary nature of his work.

Kathy Kasic
Length: 5 min
Year: 2016
Country: USA
About a violinist in a daydream, this lyrical-performative film was inspired by Patrick Dougherty’s commissioned sculpture, Daydreams, at Tippet Rise Art Center.