Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Cottonwood Campus, 10:30 AM
On August 3, New York-based poet Jenny Xie will lead a two and a half hour workshop on the ekphrastic poem—one provoked by or in response to a work of art. The ekphrastic poem derives energy from the friction and affinities between two mediums and modes of experience: the visual and the verbal. As such, ekphrastic poems can be vibrant sites of experimentation and play, liminality and subversion. How have poets and writers responded to art beyond describing what they see? How can an ekphrastic poem animate, narrate, investigate, and add new dimension to the visual? Together, participants will read through a range of poems that respond to works of art and generate writing in response to the sculptures and artwork situated at Tippet Rise.
Please note, participants of the workshop are welcome to bring their own brown bag lunch or may purchase food prepared by Samurai Sue’s Everyday Food – including grain bowls, salads, sandwiches, and non-alcoholic beverages – from Will’s Shed.
Jenny Xie is the author of Eye Level, a finalist for the National Book Award and the recipient of the Walt Whitman Award of the Academy of American Poets and the Holmes National Poetry Prize from Princeton University, and The Rupture Tense, a finalist for the National Book Award and the CLMP Firecracker Award, and a recipient of the Josephine Miles Award. She has taught at Princeton and NYU, and is currently assistant professor of Written Arts at Bard College.
Please note, participants of the workshop are welcome to bring their own brown bag lunch or may purchase food prepared by Samurai Sue’s Everyday Food – including grain bowls, salads, sandwiches, and non-alcoholic beverages – from Will’s Shed.
Jenny Xie is the author of Eye Level, a finalist for the National Book Award and the recipient of the Walt Whitman Award of the Academy of American Poets and the Holmes National Poetry Prize from Princeton University, and The Rupture Tense, a finalist for the National Book Award and the CLMP Firecracker Award, and a recipient of the Josephine Miles Award. She has taught at Princeton and NYU, and is currently assistant professor of Written Arts at Bard College.