Saturday, July 21, 2018

Timo Andres

Gabriel Kahane

Jeffrey Kahane

Dover Quartet
The Olivier Music Barn, 6:30 PM
Pre-Concert Talk: 5:00 PM, Tiara Acoustic Shell
From a selection of works by J.S. Bach arranged by György Kurtág, the 92-year-old award-winning Hungarian composer and pianist, to Benjamin Britten's arrangement of William Butler Yeats' The Salley Gardens to Timo Andres' Clear and Cold, this evening's program is an eclectic mix of classics and contemporaries-Baroque at times and thoroughly modern at others, reverent and probing, wistful and sweet.
Selection of Chorale Preludes for piano four hands (Jeffrey Kahane and Gabriel Kahane)
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV Deest
How Can I Live in Your World of Ideas? for 2 pianos
Selection of Canonic Études, Op. 56 for 2 pianos
Clear and Cold for solo piano
G. Kahane
Four songs from The Ambassador for voice, electric guitar and string quartet
Veda (1 Pierce Dr.)
Bradbury (304 Broadway)
Ambassador Hotel (3400 Wilshire Blvd)
Empire Liquor Mart (9127 S. Figueroa St.)
Selection of folk arrangements/ piano and voice
The Salley Gardens
The Trees They Grow So High
The Ash Grove
O Waly, Waly
Piano quintet No. 2 in A Major, Op.81
Selection of Chorale Preludes for piano four hands (Jeffrey Kahane and Gabriel Kahane)
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV Deest
How Can I Live in Your World of Ideas? for 2 pianos
Selection of Canonic Études, Op. 56 for 2 pianos
Clear and Cold for solo piano
G. Kahane
Four songs from The Ambassador for voice, electric guitar and string quartet
Veda (1 Pierce Dr.)
Bradbury (304 Broadway)
Ambassador Hotel (3400 Wilshire Blvd)
Empire Liquor Mart (9127 S. Figueroa St.)
Selection of folk arrangements/ piano and voice
The Salley Gardens
The Trees They Grow So High
The Ash Grove
O Waly, Waly
Piano quintet No. 2 in A Major, Op.81