Tippet Rise Art Center

Tippet Rise opens for hiking, biking, and sculpture van tours on June 20, 2025.

The 2025 concert season takes place from August 15 through September 14. Read more here.

Registration for the art center’s randomized drawing for concert tickets opened on Tuesday, March 18 at 12:00 PM Mountain Time and closes Monday, April 7 at 12:00 PM (noon) Mountain Time. Registration for hiking, biking, and sculpture van tours opens on Wednesday, April 9.

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Getting to Tippet Rise

Tippet Rise Art Center is located in Fishtail, Montana, on Highway 78 just off Interstate 90 between Billings and Bozeman and a few hours north of Yellowstone National Park.
NOTE: Google Maps is incorrect, Please follow your GPS and not where the pin is dropped on Google Maps

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